Resubmission Form

I care about you achieving mastery!  You may resubmit any assignment that you do not feel was exemplary (proficient or advanced) by filling out this resubmission form.

Commonly missing assignments:

Double Consciousness Quickwrite

Expository Research -- Dialectical Journal Re-teach

A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings:
1.  Start here, read the text A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings (full text)
2.  Fill out the scaffolds: A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings Scaffold
3.  Your final version should look like this: Student Exemplar -- Literary Analysis of Marquez
     3a.  Final Draft Template (Make a copy of this document and paste your essay into it)

Extra Credit:  Read Malala's speech to the United Nations, and write a response using the language of defend/challenge/qualify.  Please make it 6 to 8 sentences in length, and draw from personal experiences. 

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