Wednesday, October 2, 2013


2. Review expectations for EA2:
2a. Pick two genres (short story, rap, song, letter, journal entry, poem)
2b. Pick either one or two topics from the EA2 Prompt List
2c. Pick a poet whose message you liked, and apply that to your own life
2d. And/or borrow sentence structure but plug in your own ideas
2e. And/or borrow occasion and apply that to your own life.

3. Work time
3a. Type your drafts
3b. Share them with Ms. G (blue button, upper lefthand corner)
3c. Am I on the right track? Get feedback!
5. Optional Writing Clinic -- Whole Class
5a. Student volunteers piece to revise together

6. Exit Ticket -- Process Check

"Remember, EA2 is a quote, not a summary!"

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