Wednesday, November 6, 2013


  • Write a literary analysis essay that identifies both the external and internal conflicts of the main character
  • Interpret characterization of the conflict
  • Analyze how conflict relates to universal theme

1.  Launch
    1a.  Get out your First Body Paragraph sheets
    1b.  When you are finished, start finding evidence to support the theme of universal hope
2.  Continuing our writing process (using step-by-step scaffold)
    2a.  Reviewing our first body paragraph
           i.  Period 1
           ii.  Period 2

           iii. Period 5
    2b.  Second Body Paragraph
3.  Finding evidence -- How does the conflict relate to a universal theme?
     3a.  Exemplar with external conflict (see above, by period)
     3b.  Finding evidence on our own (for our body paragraphs)
4.  Resource:
    4a.  List of character traits
5.  Exit Ticket

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