Friday, January 31, 2014

Thursday, January 30, 2014


We will be able to compare and contrast the treatment of the old man and the spider-woman.
We will be able to analyze the use of word choice and imagery to demonstrate changing attitudes to the very old man.

1.  Launch
2.  Review Vocabulary
     2a.  Characterization
     2b.  Imagery
     2c.  Mood
3.  Reading Guide
4.  Extension:  Compare and contrast to the myth of Icarus
4.  Exit Ticket

Wednesday, January 29, 2014



  • We will be able to identify mood based on the treatment of the angel.
  • We will be able to characterize Elisenda, Pelayo, and the old man.
  • We will be able to use the reading strategy of visualization.

1.  Launch -- Fill out your Anticipation Guide
2.  Academic Vocabulary
     2a.  Characterization
     2b.  Imagery
     2c.  Mood
3.  Biography of Gabriel Garcia Marquez
     3a.  Magic Realism
4.  Read Paragraphs 1 - 8
     4a.  Chunk 1
     4b.  Chunk 2
     4c.  Chunk 3
5.  Exit Ticket

Tuesday, January 28, 2014


1.  Launch
2.  Submit your presentation links:  Submission Form
3.  Presentations!
4.  Peer Review
5.  Igbo Synthesis Research Paper Rubric
6.  Exit Ticket: Grade yourself -- be honest and self-reflective [focus norm: courage and candor]

Monday, January 27, 2014


1.  Launch
2.  EA1 Presentation Requirements
3.  Exemplar:
     3a.  Group Introduction & Conclusion EA1
     3b.  Hayward Exemplar
4.  Peer Review
5.  Igbo Synthesis Research Paper Rubric
6.  Exit Ticket: Grade yourself -- be honest and self-reflective [focus norm: courage and candor]

Friday, January 24, 2014


Objective:  I can create a synthesis research essay with my group members, and hone my slide to the most salient points for my presentation.

"A rising tide lifts all ships."
Help your group members along, if they are struggling!

1.  Launch
     1a.  Pull up your dialectical journals, and your powerpoint
2.  Presentations (due MONDAY)
     2a.  student work sample
     2b.  Template
     2c.  You may use Powerpoint or Prezi
3.  Review the difference between a paragraph and a presentation
     2a.  Don't overtext your slide!
4.  Synthesis Essays
5.  Submission Form -- Only ONE PERSON from each group needs to submit

Thursday, January 23, 2014


I can create a presentation with my group members, to disseminate information to the class. 
You're almost done with your research projects! I'm so proud of you!

1.  Launch
     1a.  Pull up your dialectical journals, and your powerpoint
2.  Presentations (due FRIDAY)
     2a.  student work sample
     2b.  Template
     2c.  You may use Powerpoint or Prezi
3.  Definitions
     3a.  Dialectical
     3b.  Justification
4.  Paragraphs and Synthesis Essays
5.  Exit Ticket

You should have already have finished your dialectical journal research; however, if you are lagging behind, here is a step-by-step guide:
Finish your dialectical research journals
     a.  Finding important evidence
     b.  Copying it into dialectical journal, using sentence frame
     c.  Paraphrase (put in your own words)
     d.  Explain (how is it different or similar to your culture?)

You are assigned to Homework Center with Ms. G, at 7:15am in the morning, to get all caught up. 

Wednesday, January 22, 2014


This photograph is of an Iraqi girl in an orphanage.  She missed her mother, so she drew her, and fell asleep inside her. 

I can finish collecting information about my research topic.
I can create a presentation with my group members, to disseminate information to the class. 

1.  Launch
2.  Presentations (due FRIDAY)
     2a.  student work sample
     2b.  Template
     2c.  You may use Powerpoint or Prezi
3.  Finish your dialectical research journals
     3a.  Finding important evidence
     3b.  Copying it into dialectical journal, using sentence frame
     3c.  Paraphrase (put in your own words)
     3d.  Explain (how is it different or similar to your culture?)
4.  Paragraphs and Synthesis Essays
    4a.  Sentence Frame exemplars

You are assigned to Homework Center with Ms. G, at 7:15am in the morning, to get all caught up. 

Tuesday, January 21, 2014


I can finish collecting information about my research topic.

1.  Launch
2.  Look at student work sample to generate ideas, have clarity of purpose
     2a.  Paragraphs
     2b.  Presentations (due FRIDAY)
3.  Reviewing research process
     3a.  Finding important evidence
     3b.  Copying it into dialectical journal, using sentence frame
     3c.  Paraphrase (put in your own words)
     3d.  Explain (how is it different or similar to your culture?)
4.  Work on your dialectical research journals with your groups

You are assigned to Homework Center with Ms. G, at 7:15am in the morning, to get all caught up. 

Friday, January 17, 2014


1.  Launch
2.  Vocabulary Words:

3.  Whole class model:  Ms. G's exemplar here
     3a.  Finding important evidence
     3b.  Copying it into dialectical journal, using sentence frame
     3c.  Paraphrase (put in your own words)
     3d.  Explain (how is it different or similar to your culture?)
4.  Work on your dialectical research journals with your groups.
5.  Exit Ticket

Thursday, January 16, 2014


“It is a peculiar sensation, this double-consciousness, this sense of always looking at one’s self through the eyes of others, of measuring one’s soul by the tape of a world that looks on in amused contempt and pity.” W.E.B. DuBois

1.  Launch
2.  Review of Double Consciousness
      2a.  How others look at you
      2b.  How you look at yourself
      2c.  How you look at others
3.  Timed Write
4.  Beginning our Research!
      4a.  Group Assignments:  Period 1, Period 2, Period 5
      4b.  Dialectical Journals
5.  Exit Ticket

Tuesday, January 14, 2014


1.  Launch
2.  Reviewing work from yesterday -- DUE FRIDAY
     2a.  Things Fall Apart Thought Guide
     2b.  Blue Book
3.  Double-Entry Journal
     3a.  Make a copy
     3b.  Rename it Firstname Lastname Double-Entry Journal
     3c.  Change privacy settings to "Anyone with the Link"
4.  Previewing Nicholas Powers
     4a.  Excerpt from The Ground Below Zero
     4b.  Life as a Target
     4c.  More writing at The Indypendent
5.  Exit Ticket

Friday, January 10, 2014


Ewwww, don't show love or affection toward me!!! 
I'm too masculine to acknowledge my need for validation and emotions!

1.  Launch
2.  Patriarchy -- "Patriarchy is America's default setting, where men have all the positions of power and privilege."
3.  Masculinity -- How does this concept relate to Okonkwo?  What actions did he take to constantly assert his manliness?
4.  What society does to young men video
5.  Breaking News: Blossoming girl turns into beautiful object -- "Turning a human being into an object is the first step in justifying violence against that person."
6.  Practice with Internet Research Etiquette -- Thinking about reliability and validity
     6a.  Is this article a valid source of information/news?
     6b.  Why or why not?
7.  If you finish early, check out this article about masculinity
8.  Exit Ticket