Friday, January 10, 2014


Ewwww, don't show love or affection toward me!!! 
I'm too masculine to acknowledge my need for validation and emotions!

1.  Launch
2.  Patriarchy -- "Patriarchy is America's default setting, where men have all the positions of power and privilege."
3.  Masculinity -- How does this concept relate to Okonkwo?  What actions did he take to constantly assert his manliness?
4.  What society does to young men video
5.  Breaking News: Blossoming girl turns into beautiful object -- "Turning a human being into an object is the first step in justifying violence against that person."
6.  Practice with Internet Research Etiquette -- Thinking about reliability and validity
     6a.  Is this article a valid source of information/news?
     6b.  Why or why not?
7.  If you finish early, check out this article about masculinity
8.  Exit Ticket

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