Wednesday, February 26, 2014


I can identify different essay types of the CAHSEE.
I can analyze a prompt, in order to break it down into the five parts.
I can plan my response to CAHSEE prompts.

1.  Launch -- Quickwrite #2
2.  Reviewing The Furious Five:  Essay types of the CAHSEE
3.  CAHSEE Prompt Breakdown:  cold call and share out
4.  Writing Strategies presentation
     4a.  Cornell Notes template (hard copy also available)
5.  Furious Five essay planner
     5a.  Think aloud
     5b.  Collaborative time
     5c.  Individual work time -- whatever you don't finish in class is homework!
5.  Exit Ticket -- submit your prompt breakdown

Resource Bank:
Identifying Types of CAHSEE Essays (with student exemplar responses)

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