Monday, September 30, 2013



1. Launch
2.  Previewing Embedded Assessment 2 (paper copy provided)
     2a.  What do I need to know?
     2b.  What do I already know?
3.  Write-Alike Workshop
    3a.  Click on Ms. G's template (hyperlinked above)
    3b.  Click on 'make a copy' under File in the upper lefthand corner.
    3c.  Delete "copy of SG" and put your "LastnameFirstname"
    3d.  Share with Ms. G (blue button, upper righthand corner) at
    *Note:  You are being assessed on how well you perform this procedure, as it is something we will be using all year.
4.  Exit Ticket

Friday, September 27, 2013


1.  Launch

2.  SOAPSTone with voice
    2a.  Text I.  Sure, you can ask me a personal question
    2b.  Text II.  Speaking with Hands
    2c.  SOAPSTone Compare/Contrast Form

3.  Previewing EA2 Assignment
    3a.  What do I already know?  What do I need to learn?

Exit Ticket

Wednesday, September 25, 2013



  • explore the connection between voice and persona when crafting a text
  • examine a text for contrasting voices
  • extend prior knowledge of punctuation

1.  Launch:  persona word map
    1a.  Brainstorm with mesa group about what the word "persona" might mean
    1b.  Submit them here. Remember to solicit (ask for) all voices! Shared accountability!
    1c.  Check out wordle (will hyperlink after completion)
    1d.  Definition (ONLY check after we discuss! This is an exercise in academic integrity!)

2.  Contrasting Voices 1.14:

  • man and woman
  • child and senior
  • idealist and realist
  • worker and boss

    2a.  Choose a pair (see above) and imagine how their personas differ.  Perhaps imagine that they are in a specific situation, such as a car trip or an office meeting.
    2b.  Write dialogue that expresses the two personas (each should have distinct voice and perspective)
    2c.  Answer question:  What changes do you notice between the two voices?  What explains these differences?  Be prepared to share out

3.  Punctuating Personality 1.15
    3a.  I identify myself as a _______________ (punctuation mark), because _____________.
    3b.  Ms. G's exemplar:  I identify as an interrobang, because I like to question things with enthusiasm!
    3c.  Class notes on punctuation

4.  Exit Ticket



  • to write in a variety of voices and tones
  • to examine text for stylistic components such as syntax, diction, and tone
  • to analyze text for elements such as occasion, thematic articulation, and tonal relevance

1.  Launch
    1a. Video - "If I should have a daughter"
    1b.  Launch Response Form
2.  Activity 1.12 - Voice and Style
    2a.  Quickwrites
3.  Toni Morrison - Contrasting Voices
    3a.  Whole-class Exemplar
    3b.  Your turn!
4.  Exit Ticket

Tuesday, September 24, 2013



  • To reinforce knowledge of voice
  • to progress from knowledge to application to analysis of voice


1.  Launch -- read the lyrics (hyperlink 1a) and pay attention to the sound of the poem -- be aware of the voice in your head.
     1a.  Sha Clack Clack lyrics
     1b.  Saul Williams' Performance
2.  Preview Embedded Assessment 2 (p. 28)
     2a.  Mark the text and highlight words or concepts with which you are familiar.  Use a question mark (?) to indicate context with which you are unfamiliar.
     2b.  In your own words, what will you need to do for the second Embedded Assessment?
3.  Activity 1.10
     3a.  Read 'About the Author'
     3b.  Read "Legal Alien"
     3c.  Discussion:  What gives this poem a voice?
4.  Exit Ticket -- Click here

Complete these questions (which you answered for "Legal Alien" in class) for Saul Williams' "Sha Clack Clack."
  1. What are the voices of the speaker?  Highlight lines that indicate the speaker's identities.
  2. How does diction show identity?  Highlight examples.
  3. Who is the audience?
  4. What is the author's purpose?
  5. What is the speaker's attitude or tone?  Mark the text to show textual evidence.

Monday, September 23, 2013



3 Things: Burning Man 2013

My expectations are that every single person have this document open.
Share it with each other.
Each of you can contribute to it, and I can see who has written what aspects of it...
Be accountable to one another. Remember your commitments and norms.
Lit circle google drive template