Wednesday, September 25, 2013



  • explore the connection between voice and persona when crafting a text
  • examine a text for contrasting voices
  • extend prior knowledge of punctuation

1.  Launch:  persona word map
    1a.  Brainstorm with mesa group about what the word "persona" might mean
    1b.  Submit them here. Remember to solicit (ask for) all voices! Shared accountability!
    1c.  Check out wordle (will hyperlink after completion)
    1d.  Definition (ONLY check after we discuss! This is an exercise in academic integrity!)

2.  Contrasting Voices 1.14:

  • man and woman
  • child and senior
  • idealist and realist
  • worker and boss

    2a.  Choose a pair (see above) and imagine how their personas differ.  Perhaps imagine that they are in a specific situation, such as a car trip or an office meeting.
    2b.  Write dialogue that expresses the two personas (each should have distinct voice and perspective)
    2c.  Answer question:  What changes do you notice between the two voices?  What explains these differences?  Be prepared to share out

3.  Punctuating Personality 1.15
    3a.  I identify myself as a _______________ (punctuation mark), because _____________.
    3b.  Ms. G's exemplar:  I identify as an interrobang, because I like to question things with enthusiasm!
    3c.  Class notes on punctuation

4.  Exit Ticket

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