Tuesday, September 24, 2013



  • To reinforce knowledge of voice
  • to progress from knowledge to application to analysis of voice


1.  Launch -- read the lyrics (hyperlink 1a) and pay attention to the sound of the poem -- be aware of the voice in your head.
     1a.  Sha Clack Clack lyrics
     1b.  Saul Williams' Performance
2.  Preview Embedded Assessment 2 (p. 28)
     2a.  Mark the text and highlight words or concepts with which you are familiar.  Use a question mark (?) to indicate context with which you are unfamiliar.
     2b.  In your own words, what will you need to do for the second Embedded Assessment?
3.  Activity 1.10
     3a.  Read 'About the Author'
     3b.  Read "Legal Alien"
     3c.  Discussion:  What gives this poem a voice?
4.  Exit Ticket -- Click here

Complete these questions (which you answered for "Legal Alien" in class) for Saul Williams' "Sha Clack Clack."
  1. What are the voices of the speaker?  Highlight lines that indicate the speaker's identities.
  2. How does diction show identity?  Highlight examples.
  3. Who is the audience?
  4. What is the author's purpose?
  5. What is the speaker's attitude or tone?  Mark the text to show textual evidence.

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