Friday, May 30, 2014

Thursday, May 29, 2014


1.  Launch
     1a.  When you are finished, read your Lit circle book (REMEMBER, YOUR FINAL LIT CIRCLE IS TOMORROW)
2.  Prewriting: Embedded Assessment 2!
      2a.  Prewriting Check
3.  Drafting
     3a.  Pulling logos from your previous essay
     3b.  Brainstorm ethos, pathos
4.  Exit ticket

Wednesday, May 28, 2014


1.  Launch
     1a.  When you are finished, read your Lit Circle book
     1b.  FINAL Lit Circle Journal Entry Expectations
2.  Review ethos, logos, pathos
     2a.  Ms. G's exemplar
     2b.  Identify them in your own work
3.  Begin your final Embedded Assessment!
4.  Exit ticket


Tuesday, May 27, 2014


#YesAllWomen because ‘I have a boyfriend’ is more effective than ‘I’m not interested’—men respect other men more than my right to say no
Because I’ve already rehearsed “Take whatever you want, just don’t hurt me.” #YesAllWomen
#YesAllWomen because every time I try to say that I want gender equality I have to explain that I don’t hate men.
Men’s greatest fear is that women will laugh at them, while women’s greatest fear is that men will kill them. -Margaret Atwood #YesAllWomen
Because in about 30 states, rapists whose victims choose to keep the baby can get parental rights, like weekend visitation. WTF #YesAllWomen
#yesallwomen because apparently the clothes I wear is a more valid form of consent than the words I say
I repeat: the fact that there are male victims isn’t proof it’s not misogyny. It’s evidence that misogyny hurts men too. #YesAllWomen
Because if I know I will be out til after dark, I start planning my route home hours, even days, beforehand #yesallwomen

1.  Launch
     1a.  When you are finished, read your Lit Circle book
2.  Review ethos, logos, pathos
3.  RAFT -- Persuasive Appeals and WWW
4.  Persuasive appeals in the news
     4a.  The New Yorker -- #yesallwomen and gender-based violence
     4b.  Create your own!
5.  Exit ticket


Friday, May 16, 2014


WWBAT identify issues of injustice.
WWBAT identify author's purpose and analyze argument.
WWBAT identify distinctive features of genres and how authors use them to convey specific effects.

Happy Prom!

1.  Launch
2.  Activity 4.7: Legal Justice
     2a.  Review graphic organizer
     2b.  Spotlight on Grammar and Usage
     2c.  Spotlight on genre
     2d.  Rhetorical Appeals
     2e.  Divide and conquer! (jigsaw "Comment" and "Germany Divided Over Hijab")
4.  Filling in the graphic organizer:

  • "Comment" thesis:  Lancaster asks for mutual respect between different cultures living together.  She argues for personal choice in terms of the hijab.
  • "Germany Divided..." thesis:  Tzortzis presents multiple perspectives on the issue of the banning of headscarves, linking the ban to broader issues such as separation of church and state

5.  RAFT Extension -- Extra Credit!
6.  Exit ticket
Is that Ms. G???!!!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014


1.  Launch
     1a.  When you are finished, read your Lit Circle book
2.  Reminders about Lit Circles -- your next due date is May 15th!
     2a.  Lit Circle assignment
3.  Presentations!
    3a.  Planned Language Production
    3b.  Reminders about expectations
4.  Activity 4.6: Arguing for Justice
5.  Exit ticket

Monday, May 12, 2014


1.  Launch
     1a.  When you are finished, read your Lit circle book
2.  AP Courses Questionnaire
     2a.  Framing: why are AP courses important?
3.  Finishing your powerpoints
     3a.  Task and articles
     3b.  If you finish early, you can get started on your homework (see below)
4.  Share presentations with group
5.  Exit ticket -- Submission Form (only ONE person per group!)

Homework due TOMORROW:
Read this article: "Beyond Scared Straight: Experts Alarmed by New Show and Impact on Kids"
Respond to the same questions that were asked of Allyn Gaestel's articles; devise your own sentence frames!

Friday, May 9, 2014


  • We will be able to read expository texts from around the world, about gender-based violence.
  • We will be able to synthesize the information into its most important points.
  • We will be able to present a summary of the important points, visually (through a powerpoint) and orally (aloud to our group members).

Perusing the work of Allyn Gaestel, freelance journalist

1.  Launch
     1a.  When you are finished, read your Lit Circle book
2.  Gender-based Violence Review
     2a.  Definition, examples
     2b.  Four main aspects:  physical, sexual, psychological, economic
3.  Mini-project!
     3a.  Who is Allyn Gaestel?
     3b.  Task and articles
4.  Exit ticket

Thursday, May 8, 2014


We will be able to identify our areas of growth and revision, in our Unit 4 Embedded Assessment 1 drafts.
We will be able to apply the sentence frames provided, to enhance our own writing.
We will be able to read and demonstrate understanding of our Lit Circle books.
We will be able to self-regulate and take ownership of our learning process.
We will be able to have productive conversations with Ms. Barrett!

Ms. Barrett's puppy, Lola!!!
1.  Launch
2.  Conversations with Ms. Barrett!
     2a.  Questionnaire
3.  Writing Conferences with Ms. G
     3a.  Exemplar with sentence frames
     3b.  While you are waiting for your conference, you may either: 1) read your Lit Circle book or 2) attempt to revise your work, based on the reteach exemplar
4.  Exit ticket -- U4 EA1 Resubmission Form

Wednesday, May 7, 2014


We will be able to identify our areas of growth and revision, in our Unit 4 Embedded Assessment 1 drafts.  We will be able to apply the sentence frames provided, to enhance our own writing.
We will be able to read and demonstrate understanding of our Lit Circle books.
We will be able to self-regulate and take ownership of our learning process.

1.  Launch
     1a.  When you are finished, read your Lit Circle book
2.  Taking a look at the reteach: how can we revise our own work?
     2a.  Exemplar with sentence frames
3.  Writing Conferences with Ms. G
     3a.  While you are waiting for your conference, you may either: 1) read your Lit Circle book or 2) attempt to revise your work, based on the reteach exemplar
     3b.  Unit 4 EA1 Submission Form
4.  Exit ticket

Monday, May 5, 2014


1.  Launch
     1a.  When you are finished, read your Lit Circle Book
2.  Spotlight on Gender-Based Violence
    2a.  Vocabulary: gender
3.  Bring Back Our Girls by Nicholas Kristof
4.  Lit Circle Discussions
5.  Exit ticket -- on paper

Friday, May 2, 2014


We will be able to understand what a deadline is, and not make Ms. G cry.

1.  Launch
2.  Review of Millennium Development Goals
     2a.  Whole-class discussion
     2b.  Student notes
     2c.  Respond (using sentence frame) to short answer question for Journal Entry
3.  Submission of Unit 4 Embedded Assessment 1
    3a.  Vocabulary word:  Deadline
    3b.  Submission Form
4.  Watch video on gender-based violence
5.  Exit ticket

Thursday, May 1, 2014


I can deepen my understanding of global poverty, by perusing and responding to terminology and literary accounts.  I can support my assertions with textual evidence.

I can make inferences, evaluate evidence and conclusions, detect underlying assumptions, and see relationships around a theme of injustice.

Interested in finding out more?
Check out
1.  Launch -- Human Rights Quickwrite
    1a.  When you are finished, read your Lit Circle book (25 minutes)
2.  Millenium Development Goals
     2a.  Response Log
3.  Apply the MDGs to your Lit Circle book, in your Lit Circle Journal Entry #3 (DUE TOMORROW)
4.  Exit ticket

Want to see Ms. G's college essay?!!