Wednesday, May 7, 2014


We will be able to identify our areas of growth and revision, in our Unit 4 Embedded Assessment 1 drafts.  We will be able to apply the sentence frames provided, to enhance our own writing.
We will be able to read and demonstrate understanding of our Lit Circle books.
We will be able to self-regulate and take ownership of our learning process.

1.  Launch
     1a.  When you are finished, read your Lit Circle book
2.  Taking a look at the reteach: how can we revise our own work?
     2a.  Exemplar with sentence frames
3.  Writing Conferences with Ms. G
     3a.  While you are waiting for your conference, you may either: 1) read your Lit Circle book or 2) attempt to revise your work, based on the reteach exemplar
     3b.  Unit 4 EA1 Submission Form
4.  Exit ticket

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