Thursday, December 12, 2013


“It’s bad enough . . . when a country gets colonized, but when the people do as well! That’s the end, really, that’s the end.” 

 Ethnocentrism? Or cultural relativism? inverse relationship

1.  Launch
   1a.  If you finish early, look up the definition of colonialism
2.  Review Chapter 19
3.  Spotlights for today:
     3a.  fatal flaw
     3b.  dynamics of colonizer vs colonized -- cultural clashes
     3c.  Framing our reading: the connections between religion, education, and government
4.  Vocabulary:

  • flock: followers, congregation, as in the Shepherd's (Christ) sheep
  • zeal: fervor, passion
  • expedient: able to be done quickly
  • ostracize: to exclude someone from a society or group (similar to exile)
5.  Read Chapter 20, 21, and 22
    5a. PLP
5.  Textual Evidence: A Step-by-Step Guide
6.  Exit ticket: Extension

COME TO SECOND CHANCE SATURDAY! All make-up work will be due Monday.  I will not accept it after that day. 
Ms. G is here every morning at 7:15am, you should come to homework center to bring up your grades!!  
Additionally, don't forget to resubmit your first Embedded Assessment from the year; think about how much you've grown since September! :)

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