Friday, December 13, 2013


1.  Launch
   1a.  If you finish early, look up the definition of foreshadowing
2.  Review Chapter 22
3.  Spotlights for today:
     3a.  fatal flaw
     3b.  dynamics of colonizer vs colonized -- cultural clashes
     3c.  Framing our reading: the connections between religion, education, and government

4.  Read Chapter 23, 24, and 25
    4a. PLP
5.  Short Answer Model and Practice

COME TO SECOND CHANCE SATURDAY! All make-up work will be due Monday.  I will not accept it after that day. 
Ms. G is here every morning at 7:15am, you should come to homework center to bring up your grades!!  
Additionally, don't forget to resubmit your first Embedded Assessment from the year; think about how much you've grown since September! :)

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