Friday, April 25, 2014


I can research my social justice topic, and evaluate the credibility of a source, using tone, bias, and author.
I can collect evidence (quote, paraphrase, summary) to answer a guiding research question that I have devised.
I can draft my thesis statement, including subject, claim, and summary of main points.
I can organize my essay into body paragraphs, capturing the progression of ideas through the evidence I've collected.

1.  Launch -- How Privileged Are You?
     1a.  When you're finished, respond here
2.  The conflict in Syria
     3a.  Finishing your research log (evaluating sources, gathering evidence)
     3b.  Finish your Expository Research Graphic Organizer (organizing evidence, writing commentary)
     3c.  Crafting your thesis statement
4.  Transitioning to writing the final essay:
     4a.  Ms. G's Exemplar (A+)
     4b.  Exemplar on FGM
     4c.  Exemplar on Gender Inequality
     4d.  Exemplar on Police Brutality
5.  Final Draft Template
4.  Exit Ticket

Resource Bank:
Homework:  Read your Lit Circle books -- your next Lit Circle will be May 2nd.

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