Tuesday, April 29, 2014


I can research my social justice topic, and evaluate the credibility of a source, using tone, bias, and author.
I can collect evidence (quote, paraphrase, summary) to answer a guiding research question that I have devised.
I can draft my thesis statement, including subject, claim, and summary of main points.
I can organize my essay into body paragraphs, capturing the progression of ideas through the evidence I've collected.

Interested in finding out more?
Check out http://www.un.org/millenniumgoals/

1.  Launch
     1a.  When you are finished, read your Lit Circle book
2.  Announcements and reminders:
     2a.  Extra credit opportunity
3.  Review of expectations for final essay
    3a.  Assessment Rubric
    3b.  Citations:  Works Cited, versus in-text
4.  Final Draft Template
    4a.  Expository Research Outline
5.  Exit Ticket (Submission form for comments)

     a.  Ms. G's Exemplar (A+)
     b.  Exemplar on FGM
     c.  Exemplar on Gender Inequality
     d.  Exemplar on Police Brutality

Resource Bank:
Homework:  Read your Lit Circle books, and complete your Lit Circle Journal Entry #3.

Extra Credit:  Read Malala's speech to the United Nations, and write a response using the language of defend/challenge/qualify.  Please make it 6 to 8 sentences in length, and draw from personal experiences. 

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