Wednesday, March 12, 2014


I can respond to a prompt using the language of defend, challenge, qualify.
I can write a persuasive essay.

1.  Launch -- Mini-quiz
2.  Defend/Challenge/Qualify Application
     2a.  Break down the prompt
     2b.  Plan your essay
     2c.  Write it!
3.  Finished early?
     3a.  Quizlet Vocab (start by clicking on Flashcards, then move your way up to Scatter!)
     3b.  CAHSEE Practice Menu
     3c.  Student-led tracker (don't forget to submit, after each activity!)
4.  Exit Ticket

Resource Bank:
Identifying Types of CAHSEE Essays (with student exemplar responses)
The Furious Five:  Essay types of the CAHSEE
Writing Strategies presentation

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